Wednesday 5 March 2008

DLR Delta Junction upgrade

Delta Junction is the triangular junction at the north end of the Isle of Dogs, between Westferry, West India Quay and Poplar. Two corners of it are grade-separated already, and work is underway to grade separate the third by building a new dive-under as part of the current capacity upgrades. Here's a plan of the new dive-under and a side elevation, and I've also made my own diagram on Google Maps, which shows it in context.

The problem at the moment is trains from Canary Wharf to Poplar have to cross in front of trains from Bank to Canary Wharf (the routes shown in turquoise on my map), which limits capacity. The plan is to construct a new ramp that will take trains coming from Bank under the Canary Wharf to Poplar track, before coming back up to rejoin the route to Canary Wharf (dark blue). The route bypasses West India Quay station, meaning Bank to Canary Wharf trains won't call there. The station's easternmost platform will also need to be demolished (red).


  1. It's a bit crap that Bank trains won't stop at West India Quay - I mean, this is the main DLR route, Stratford one instead is a bit of an "unwanted child" with less trains. IMHO it should have been other way around.

    Also, I wonder how much disruption this work will bring. Frequency of trains on Stratford branch already lowered, and the main construction isn't even started!

  2. Could we please just demolish west india quay?

  3. Oh, so that's what all the hoarding and weekend closures stemming from West India Quay are all about. People don't seem to realise that (once you get off the short stretch of dual carriageway) Poplar and Canary Wharf are a pleasant five minute walk from each other. Apart from dumping you outside the cinema, I've never seen the point of West India Quay station either...

  4. So does that mean the Delta Junction will be made redundant??? If there are already two flyover/flyunders then creating a third completes the set...

    Or am I wrong?

  5. Trains already no longer use the north side of the junction. When the work is complete the east side will still be in use in both directions, and the west side will be used by northbound trains.

    Have a look round the area on Google Maps to see how it all works.

  6. Wont West India Quay serve a good purpose when Crossrail is finally built ?

  7. The reason West India Quay is being kept is exactly the reason traces gives.

    The Isle of Dogs Crossrail Station will be built to the East Side of West India Quay, where a footbridge across the water will connect the two stations.

    I have to stress, that the footbridge will not connect platforms, you will have to walk down WIQ stairs and then across the bridge.
