Friday 21 March 2008

DLR Woolwich Arsenal extension

A year from now the second phase of the DLR City Airport branch is due to open, consisting of a new tunnel under the Thames connecting King George V (the current terminus) to Woolwich Arsenal railway station. Here are some photos of how they're getting on.

Here's the tunnel portal on the north side, taken from the footbridge at King George V:Tunneling finished last July. The track is joined up to the rest of the network already.

Here's the entrance building at Woolwich Arsenal, next door to the railway station:
The completed building will look like this, with an office development on top.

Here's the same building from within the railway station. A new interchange bridge links the DLR station to the westbound platform:
TfL have an aerial photo that shows the overall layout.

The DLR stays below ground level all the way into the station and none of the track is visible from the street south of the river, and Greenwich Council's online planning register is too horsedrawn to have diagrams available online, so we'll have to wait to see exactly how things work inside. They do have this planning brief which provides some detail, and there's always TfL's project page.

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