Saturday 10 May 2008

Shepherd's Bush Overground update

Progress on widening the platform at Shepherd's Bush Overground station continues, with segments of the wall now removed:
They haven't started digging along the rest of the platform.

One of the big challenges is widening the platform where it meets the station building. They've removed the facing panels from the wall that needs demolishing:
As I suspected, there's a steel post holding up the footbridge in the most inconvenient place.


  1. Argh!! you beat me to it ;-)
    Haven't been over that strech of line for a few weeks.. Out there next Tuesday.. Will see what has changed by then


  2. Well I wizzed passed here today (Tuesday) and could not see the steel post area as this was covered by scafolding but what I did see was that the sections of the wall that they have removed are being replaced but further back, hopefully the right distance this time.
