Sunday 6 July 2008

Imperial Wharf station: New design unveiled

I've found out what the "construction work" that's supposed to have started at Imperial Wharf station amounts to. They've put a new rendering on the hoarding:

Compared to the old rendering, it's gained Overground branding; shorter simpler canopies, and ticket barriers. You can just see the ticket office, which will be built along the back wall of the arch with a public area in front. An identical set of ticket barriers, lift and stairs will be on the other side of the viaduct for the other platform, and I presume the level access for wheelchair users to get into the station will be that side too.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, the arch is a disused road bridge. Here's a clearer picture of it than I've posted before:
You can also see there's still no sign of construction work starting.

If anyone's still confused about Imperial Wharf is on the rail network, it shows up in red on this old version of the London Connections map, opening "early 2006".


  1. Not very spectacular, is it? I mean, it looks like one of the designs they rejected for the City Airport extension of the DLR.

    Those perspex walls wont take long to shatter and the hoodies will have no problems scaling them!

    All in all a disappointing 6/10 - Could do better!

  2. At first glance that doesn't appear like a lot of station for nearly £8m, although 'anonymous' is pretty accurate in comparing the design to that of a DLR station. This reminds me of the recently-opened Langdon Park DLR station, which IIRC cost £7.5m.


  3. I'd imagine a lot of the cost is the earthworks to put platforms up onto the embankment. Langdon Park was on level ground.

    And hoodies? This is Chelsea Harbour. The only hoodies I've seen are on women on their way back from yoga class.

  4. anon 1 - the 'hoodies' won't need to scale the walls though, they'll be arriving at Chelsea Harbour from all over the NLL!

  5. I have seen a digger working behind the new hoardings all this week, they appear to be doing some earth levelling, so I think we really might be on to get out station which we so desperately need in this area, Cirrently Sands End is a real transport backspot, (contrary to what St George (- the developers of Imperial Wharf) say in their propotional material for Imperial Wharf!)

  6. Well the works are well on their way now! I wonder what affect this will have on property prices in Imperial wharf!!!

  7. Well, work is now well under way, and they seem to be adhering to the design in the picture. The platform has a reinforced concrete base, over which they seem to have erected a metal superstructure. The lift shafts and roofs are completed, and the staircases are under construction.

    There doesn't seem to be much by way of shelter on the platforms: I wouldn't fancy using it when it's cold, wet and windy...

  8. The Imperial Wharf Overground station is now nearly completed, I visited the site last weekend and they were undertaking tests, I also understand from sources in the industry, that the station is due to open on the 2nd week of September 2009.
