Thursday 31 July 2008

Shepherd's Bush Overground: Finished!

Well almost. These men are putting the last bits of trim onto the aluminium panels that cover the rebuilt part of the station building:
You can see in that picture there are still some bits of back fence to do, and there's some tidying up of the work of the other platform, but I can't see them spinning it out for more than a couple more weeks.

In that spirit, here's an attempt to recreate the very first picture I posted of the station, last October, so you can see the difference:

And here's the widened bit and the non-widened bits of the platform together:

Update: According to the latest TfL board papers, opening is pencilled in for October 1. [Thanks to D-Notice in the comments]

Finally, a bonus picture of the enormous new Shepherd's Bush Central Line station:


  1. Yay! Here's to opening in 2008!

    About frickin' time...


  2. The latest TfL board meeting minutes say it'll open on 1st October

  3. I am less impressed by the platform widening as I am by them moving the station to east London!

  4. No word yet, then, on the re-opening of the Central line station? It looks some way off from that photo!

  5. This morning I spotted a nice blue 'Wood Lane Station' sign on the front of, er, Wood Lane Station - hopefully we can look forward to all three opening on the same day.

  6. I notice there's still Silverlink signage there.

  7. just found this on the internet saying the opening date is the
    28th Sept

  8. Why such a huge surface station? Such a waste of space for an undergroud station. We need to be building homes on these lots surely....
