Wednesday 9 April 2008

Thameslink train specifications published

The Department for Transport has posted an outline specification of the trains it wants to order for the Thameslink Programme, amounting to 275 4-car trains.

There are few interesting details - trains will have WiFi throughout and be fitted with 2+2 seating with a wide aisle, rather than the 3+2 common in commuter trains. Another thing that stood out for me was the requirement that trains be fitted with automatic train operation for use in the central section, which would be a first for the National Rail network.


  1. I hadn't come across any suggestions that the central section of Thameslink would use ATO until now - that is an interesting development, if indeed it is actually to happen. Given the number of trains per hour that are due to be pushed through the central section it is perhaps quite a smart idea.

  2. So DfT Rail think that properly specified 32-tonne carriages can be built huh? That's ridiculous - nothing modern within the UK today comes close and even among BR-built stock the 315s and 508s are the only classes that fit the bill. And I am certain that these new trains will pack in a lot more equipment than the PEP-types.

    On the plus side, a 2+2 seating layout sounds tempting (thank god it's not 3+2), but given the passenger volumes, especially on the core route, I think we'll be seeing an interior closer to a 376 than a 375...hopefully not the interior of a 378.
