Saturday 22 March 2008

Mitcham Eastfields station update

View all posts about Mitcham Eastfields

At the end of last year I posted everything there is to know about Eastfields station. Since then they've renamed it Mitcham Eastfield, decided it will be in Zone 3 and possibly First Capital Connect are going to stop there (all according to the latest London Connections map). But with it due to open a few months from now, let's see how construction is going.

On the London-bound platform they've finished the standalone part of the platform and the foundations for the building and are putting up the short station canopy:
When completed, the platform will extend across in front to much nearer the level crossing (see plan).

On the other side of the level crossing, construction of the southbound platform is also nearly complete, as are the foundations for the footbridge:
The brick hut visible in this image is gone.

And here's a bunch of bits (possibly the footbridge) arriving on the back of a lorry:

The immediate location of the station is quite unusual. On one side there's little but school playing fields, and on the other it's surrounded by ramshackle allotments (the station is by the crossing gates in the distance):

There doesn't seem to be much sign of the fast, cheap modular station concept they once bragged about, though maybe that will change now the ground preparation is nearing completion.


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this...a really useful artice.

    Is there any news on when the first trains will be running? I heard it was supposed to be some time in May?


  2. when will this station be complete? i live extremely close and it seems to be dragging on and on. the workmen have been present alot recently but previously were rarely seen. are we really on course for completion in June? I think Dec 08 will be more realistic. it will be a shame if it is not complete for the summer as it would make my life much easier!!

  3. too right!.. especially if it goes to Kings cross.. my journey at the moment is a bit of a nightmare...

  4. Good site - how about an update.

    when can we catch the train.

  5. Mitcham Eastfields has trains calling from May 19th, as far as the new National Rail timeatable and online planners are concerned...


  6. This is great news. The next logical step is to get e decent weekend service from the station. Are us locals not allowed to leave the area at weekends?
    Then get the 463 running on weekends too.

  7. will you be able to get to kingston from this station or would it mean gettin a train to wimbledon station and then going from there?

  8. The services will be exactly the same as Mitcham Junction. It looks like the quickest way to Kingston is via Wimbledon. You could also go via Clapham Junction.

  9. Looking at the new First Capital connect timetable their appears to be no trains into central London (Blackfrairs/Kings cross)during the rush hour morning!!!

  10. F.Y.I. this station is due to open on 2nd June...

  11. Its great that this station has now been open for some time. I assumed because there would be more passengers, there would be an increase in the frequency of trains via this staion. This has not happened. I have noticed there are a lot more people using the trains, particularly in the morning. There have been times when I have been unable to get on the train becaus eits been so full, I have had to wait for the next one.

    If only they could increase the frequency, that would be a great step forward.
